St. Helena Unified School District is dedicated to the health and wellness of our students. We utilize a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) model to monitor, triage, and coordinate services for students. Each school site has an MTSS team that meets regularly to discuss student concerns and collaborate to provide tier-level interventions. MTSS teams are composed of an Administrator, Counselor(s), District Social Worker, District Nurse, Intervention Teachers, and Special Education Specialists. In partnership with community providers, we provide free mental health services, mentoring and empowerment groups, drug and alcohol education and prevention services, healthy relationships coaching, and LGBTQ+ resources and support for students and their families. Our intention is to facilitate access to services and programs that meet the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of all students and their families.
📢 Need More Support?
For additional family resources or assistance, please reach out to:
Selene Robledo, Director of Community Engagement for SHUSD
📞 707-227-0874