• SHPS Registration Flyer 2024.25

    Pre-registration Packet 2024.25

    TK Parent Orientation

    Kinder Orientation Slideshow


    Save the Date:  All TK and K students/families

    Sneak-A-Peek is Friday, August 16th from 4-4:30pm.

    This is an opportunity for your child to meet their teacher, visit their classroom, and ease the jitters before the first day of school.

    Students will line up on the playground and walk into their classrooms. During this time, parents will have a short meeting with our Principal.


    TK After-School Care: SHUSD contracts with Little Backpacks (LBP), a local preschool, for after care. This service is free for all students. Students signed up with LBP ride the school bus to Little Backpacks each day when they are dismissed. In order for your child to receive services, please register them with LBP. Packets can be picked up in the SHPS office or at LBP, located at: 995 Adams St, St. Helena

    For more information about their program, contact LBP directly: http://littlebackpacks.org/